Whole Life Contract Value

Level of Authority to Proceed required

Support required from Procurement Team

Advertising the Opportunity

Approach to Market

Testing Market Capability

Evaluation by

Approval to Award Contract

Contract Required?

Under £5,000

Budget Holder


Opportunity does not need to be advertised

Local[1] suppliers must be sought.  If no local suppliers can be found, then a regional suppliers should be sought.    If the selected supplier is not Local or Regional[2] then approval to proceed must be sought from Group Heade and the variation must be added to the Exemption Report

Selected suppliers confirm prices in writing /email in advance

Budget Holder

No further approval required


Invoices and quotes to be retained in accordance with the retention policy.

£5,000 - £30,000 (Inc VAT)










Procurement Business Case is approved by Group Head

No, except where the opportunity is to be advertised on Contracts Finder

Not required but if the value of contract is over £30,000 and is advertised, it must be advertised in Contracts Finder (Govt transparency requirements)

Requirement communicated to suppliers and confirmed in writing.

A minimum of 3 written quotes to be obtained and retained on file.

Budget Holder

Group Head


Support from Legal Services required.

£30,000 (Inc VAT) –  (BELOW[3] THRESHOLD TENDER)

Procurement Business Case and Procurement process must be approved by Group Head and MaT

Yes, Project needs to be discussed at the Procurement Board and put on the Procurement Project Plan

Opportunity advertised on Elcom portal and on Contracts Finder (if over £30K)

Detailed Specification with required outcomes, outputs and KPIs.

(Invitation to Tender, Request for Quotation or suitable Framework)

A minimum of 3 suppliers to be invited to tender. (Select 1 “Local” supplier)

Project Lead with Procurement

Deputy Chief Exec or Service Committee (if the requirement is strategic/critical)

Yes, support from Legal Services required unless a framework is used.


Contract made under seal if over £100,000.00


Over  Procurement Act  2023 Threshold

Procurement Business Case and Procurement process must be approved by Group Head and MaT and appropriate Service Committee .  The project must be on the Council’s Forward Plan

Yes, Project needs to be discussed at the Procurement Board and put on the Procurement Project Plan

Opportunity must (unless a suitable Framework is sought) be advertised on Find A Tender (FTS) via the  Elcom portal and on Contracts Finder

Detailed Specification with required outcomes, outputs and KPIs.

(Invitation to Tender or suitable Framework)

ITT  (inclusive of Suitability Assessment Questionnaire) in accordance with the Procurement Act

Project Lead and /or subject matter experts and Procurement

Service Committee

Yes, support from Legal Services is required.  Contract will be made under seal.




Level of Authority to Proceed required

Support required from Procurement Team

Advertising the Opportunity

Approach to Market

Testing Market Capability

Evaluation by

Approval to Award Contract

Contract Required?

Procurements from an internal Spelthorne Framework Agreement (in accordance with the contract values above)

Procurement Business Case and Procurement process must be approved by Group Head and MaT

Yes, where the contract value exceeds £30,000.00. The project needs to be discussed at the Procurement Board and put on the Procurement Project Plan


Detailed Specification with required outcomes, outputs and KPIs.

In accordance with the specific Framework, ie, Mini Comp or Direct Award

In accordance with the framework conditions.

Project Lead and Procurement

In accordance with the expect contract value as above.

No.  Use the Framework Terms and Conditions.

Contract made under seal if above £100,000.00

Procurements from an external Framework Agreement (in accordance with the contract values above)

Procurement Business Case and Procurement process must be approved by Group Head and MaT

Yes, where the contract value exceeds £30,000.00. The project needs to be discussed at the Procurement Board and put on the Procurement Project Plan


Detailed Specification with required outcomes, outputs and KPIs.

In accordance with the specific Framework, ie, Mini Comp or Direct Award

In accordance with the framework conditions.

Project Lead and Procurement

In accordance with the expect contract value as above.

No.  Use the Framework Terms and Conditions.

Contract made under seal if above £100,000.00




Level of Authority to Proceed required

Support required from Procurement Team

Advertising the Opportunity

Approach to Market

Testing Market Capability

Evaluation by

Approval to Award Contract

Contract Required?

Variations to a Contract

Over £100,000.00


Not to exceed 50% of the original Contract value

Service Committee


No, but needs to be put on the internal Contract Database

Existing Supplier only


Project Lead

Service Committee

Variation to be included in the existing Contract –


Extending a contract’s duration



Service Committee

Yes – only if the existing contract has extension periods.

No, but needs to be put on the internal Contract Database

Existing Supplier only


Project Lead

Service Committee

Extension to contract to be included in the existing Contract – Legal




[1] Local is defined as within the Borough of Spelthorne

[2] Regional is defined as in the wider County of Surrey.

[3] Supplies and Services Threshold - £214,904, Works Threshold - £5,372,609.00 (inc VAT) as from 1st Jan 24. These figures are revised every two years.